Sunday, February 2, 2014


After what feels like a long hiatus, bulk buying has resumed in the Huntington Beach North Stake.

This month, running through March 3rd, you can purchase a one month supply of food storage basics, for only $23.

The basic kit, called a "Starter Kit" is packaged in a boxed cases, making them convenient to store. Do you have children in college? These kits store easily in a closet or under a bed. Know a set of missionaries? Consider purchasing one for their apartment in case of an emergency. Have friends or relatives for whom you have "always wanted" to talk to them about home storage, preparing for a disaster, or the Church? Here's an inexpensive door opener which no one will turn down.

Contents include:

1 #10 can of white wheat
1 #10 can of red wheat
1 #10 can of white flour
1 #10 can  of rice
1 #10 can of pinto beans
1 #10 can of quick oats

If you're giving as a gift, don't forget to include a good can opener! And please remember, during this time of drought in California, to spend $6 and buy a case (6 gallons) of water from the .99cent, Dollar or other stores as well.

This is a GREAT BUY. More quantity and items, and cheaper as well, than if you purchase them individually or elsewhere.