Saturday, May 14, 2011

Queso Blanco

Queso Blanco

4 c. warm water 3 c. dry milk powder
1/2 c. white vinegar

Blend all ingredients. Spray a heavy saucepan with a nonstick spray. Heat the pan to form a coating, and then add the milk mixture. Cook over medium heat, stirring until curds form and remaining liquid is a clear yellow. If still milky looking, add more vinegar, 1 teaspoon at a time.
This sounds like you should stir all the time, but if you do, the curds will be crumbly and tiny. This is OK if you are making the cheeseburger and sausage and want the crumbled meat texture but if you want it not to be crumbly, don’t stir too much and let the curds sit undisturbed for a while to set up.